

  • ◤日本境內限定經典款◢可愛無敵↗獨家引進!!
    Hello Kitty 濃密+纖長二用 亮麗定型 燙睫毛器 KLC-0915W
    █ 可愛無敵的經典白,美麗水鑽的點綴設計
    █ 濃密、纖細梳整頭一機兩用,溫度適溫通知
    █ 輕便輕巧好攜帶,化妝包裡一定要擁有的人氣小物!!
    █ 隨時隨地都要捲翹娃娃般的夢幻睫毛!!

  • 訂購網址:


    1. I am sorry. The machine is not working.

    2. Do you wanna use microwave to heat up your food?
    2. Do you need heat up your food?
    2. May I help you to heat up your food?

    3. I can teach you how to operate the printer.
    3. Let me show you how to use the printer.

    4. Please hold on
    4. Please wait a second
    4. Please hold on a second
    4. Please wait a moment

    5. Do you wanna add sugar or coffee creamer?

    6. Do you know our
    special bonus points for great rewards?

    7. Once you've collected 21 points, you will be able to claim your free Hello Kitty.

    8. Please remove your card from the reader.
    8. Please remove your card.

    9. Excuse me. It's still short with 110 dollars.

    10. Do you need to top up credit on your card?
    10. Do you need load credit onto your card?




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